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Our students at St. John have the unique opportunity to participate in band classes beginning in fifth grade and continuing through eighth grade. In fifth grade, students will explore all of our new instruments, then they will spend the year learning the fundamentals. Over the course of the year, they learn to be responsible, respectful, and care for the equipment they have been given. The students also learn how to cooperate, listen to, and lead their classmates. 

The middle school band consists of sixth through eighth-grade students who are taking their skills to the next level. Students perform at several events throughout the year, including All Saint’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Christmas, and spring. Students dive into music history and appreciation, and they hone their skills of active participation, listening, concentration, and multitasking. Students are also encouraged to audition for our region’s District Honor Band, Region Band, and All-State Band if they choose. These are prestigious bands consisting of the top musicians from schools across our district, and it is a fantastic opportunity for students to show off and meet new people.

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